M.M.T ComicQuest Kick Start Activity

Today we looked at the summer learning journey. We got to pike what tusk we wanted to do there where kick stars ones which was the easy one and the step it up one was i bit harder but the same thing.  I made a small comic about a sunny day at the beach I hope you like it. What do you think of my comic?

My villain Nighttime snowman


Today we had to make a superhero or a villein. and we had right about how they got there power and what they do

My one is a villein if you can’t tell. His name is night time snowman.

Nighttime snowman walks around at the cemetery and if anyone comes he will spit out snow balls or eat you with his sharp teeth the only way to kill him is with hot water but be centerfold!! 

Cat fishing

kia ora

Today we learnt how to be safe online. We learnt some trikes to get away from scams, pop ups and cat fishing. We got to pick what we wanted to do. I coshed cat fishing. with what we chose we had to make Info graphics. It was hard to find the right images to go with the text. But I think I did well. What do you think??

social media word art

We have been learning about social media and seeing what apps I use the most at home. I made this social media word art so I  could see what apps I use the most. As you can see, I use Red Dead Redemption the most.  I liked how you could chose a variety of colours for the words, and how I could chose a shape that relates to technology things we use.

Mindful Mountain

This week we got to choose a task you could pick mindful mountain or pick a path I chose mindful mountain. I did mindful mountain because you can lean to be mindful and play the game. I found it hard to choose a screenshot. What do you think of my mindful mountain? I hope you like my mindful mountain.




AG Day Art

For Ag Day we made Maui Sunsets.


We had a set instructions to follow to complete the designs. The criteria was to follow instructions, have clear detail and show creativity.


The Koru patterns were the trickiest.  It was hard to stick to colouring the lines.

I was proud of putting zentangle shapes in the flames.                                                                                                                                                                                  


I think next time I need to push harder with the pencil. What do you think I should improve on?




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